Sunday, September 29, 2013

What is Spiritualism?

A Personal Note
Sorry I haven't posted in sometime, but I have a lot of information to make make up for the time lapse. I've read through some of the articles and books I found and discovered one major item that will effect my research greatly: Spiritualism, in Europe, did not openly start until the 1850s. In every article, book, website, ect. l read all mentioned Spiritualism in the 1840s-1850s, which means the likelihood of finding information in the 18th century is going to be very little to nothing. So my research may have to shift toward the 19th century, but we're still in the Victorian Era.

What is Spiritualism? 

Before I could dive into the information I uncovered, I first had to learn what spiritualism was. A website I found called "The Victorian Web" says: "spiritualism the belief that the dead communicate with the living, became a fad throughout America and Europe during the 1850s." (Here, we receive our first clue that spiritualism was indeed during the 1850s) defines Spiritualism as "the belief or doctrine that the spirits of the dead, surviving after the mortal life, can and do communicate with the living, especially through a person (a medium) particularly susceptible to their influence". So from these two definitions we can conclude that Spiritualism is the knowledge of being able to connect with those who have passed on, usually through someone who is connected to those souls or to their realm. I found a small clip on Youtube that gives another definition and describes almost the same thing, but with pictures and music. It's from a group called Dorset Ghost Investigators and I thought it would be a nice little clip to watch for fun.

For next time, I'll talk about the beginnings of Spiritualism, Emanuel Swedenburg, Allan Kordec, Mrs. Hayden, and D.D. Home. 

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